Monday, August 05, 2013

Mother Nature's Cosmetic Peels

I love to get facials and using an exfoliating cream works wonders. It seems Mother Nature likes to get in touch with her feminine side as well and show off her lovely reddish-orange bark as well. 

Called exfoliation, the peeling of bark from trees can be occur normally to healthy trees or as a result of stress and cause decline.

Semi-dwarf Acoma Crape Myrtle
Tree species that normally peel their bark are birches, crape myrtles, Drake elms, paperbark maples, and sycamores.  The bark peels off, usually starting in the second or third year, at the end of its blooming period during late summer to early fall. Colorful smooth bark adds another dimension of interest to your landscape. The striking red orange tree trunk stands out against your evergreen shrubs and trees.

Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake' Elm
Bark can split from receiving too much rain or being overwatered. This can happen to citrus trees, who like their feet dry, when they are irrigated too often, but that is not the same thing as exfoliation.

When you see peeling, there's no need to do anything to the tree. The bark will come off as the tree is ready.  Enjoy the beauty of exfoliation - it does wonders for Mother Nature's complexion.

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